get your Silent Affirmation

1. Choose and purchase an afffirmation

- search by category
- search using keywords
- create your own afffirmation

2. Log in to your account

- all purchased Silent Affirmations will be stored in your account
- you can download them (maximum on 5 devices)
- or just listen with our player

3. Use the Player to listen the affirmation

- you can download the affirmations on your computer or phone
- or listen to them (with or without background music) with our Player


begin training your subconscious mind

Train your subconscious mind

in any setting or social situation.

Listen while jogging, working on the computer, 

while you are with your friends or partner,  when doing homework etc. 

Connect your “world” with these new thoughts!

Listen any time of the day, during any activity, 

as often as you want and for as long as you feel good.

To be effective: listen every day  30-60 minutes for 2-3 weeks


after 2-3 weeks do a "life" check

NOTE: often the desired change will slip on little “cat’s paws” 

It takes a while for your mind to reorganize. 

You may simply notice that you’ve stopped feeling anxious or no longer have negative thoughts in these situations. 

Change may show up in subtle ways because your “inner critic” was not awakened.

So after 2-3 weeks
do a “life” check

Ask: What has changed? How has it changed? 
How was I feeling in this situation before and how do I feel now? ….

Watch yourself doing things differently.
Discover your new behavior,
hold on to it and …
let it become REALITY.


give your body time to go along with these changes

New thoughts re-shape our needs for expression, nourishment, affection, freedom of life, etc.

This will be reflected in physical changes.
We have to adapt physically to the new thoughts, experiences, forms of expression, etc. 

This may cause some initial anxiety and discomfort.

Therefore it is important to
give yourself and your body
time and space to change!


some important information

best time to listen

Listen to your Silent Affirmation at any time of day, during any activity, as often as you want and for as long as you feel good.

However, do not listen while you are sleeping!

Even if subliminal messages are inaudible, they contain spoken information and have an activating and awakening effect on our mind.

Listening in a wakeful but relaxed state is ideal.

But never listen before or during sleep. At those times your biorhythms must be able to switch to sleep mode.


Even if you don’t hear anything, the volume is very important.

Do not listen too loudly!

Adjust the volume control as you would when listening to music.

You might be able to “feel” the inaudible or perceive a slight pressure on your ear or in your head. In that case, turn the volume control down a little.


around children and animals

Small children, especially babies shortly before birth, and certain animals actually hear these ultrahigh frequencies.

Exercise caution!

Be very aware of the volume when listening during pregnancy or around small children and animals.