
Are all headphones and speakers good for

listening to Silent Affirmations?

(Will they transmit the high frequency signal?)

We did a test...

We tested several different headphones and speakers (above).

We found that all of them transmit the high frequency signals!  

Information that is perceived below the threshold of the conscious mind is called “subliminal”.

Silent Affirmations are special audio recordings that contain subliminal messages. Therefore they can’t be heard consciously and are only perceived by the subconscious mind.

If you repeat an affirmation out loud, for example: “I am rich”, but in your consciously perceived reality you have no income and a lot of debt, your conscious mind will reject the affirmation. An inner critic will convince you that what you are saying is simply not possible. This makes it very difficult for the affirmation to come true. 

If you send information directly to the subconscious, bypassing the conscious mind so that it does not block the information, the subconscious can act more easily on the basis of this new information.

This is what subliminal messages do: they bypass the inner critic and can create new and better opportunities for you. 

Why do we need to work with our

subconscious to make lasting changes?

Scientific research has shown that more than 90% of our conscious decisions, actions and thoughts are directed by the subconscious. In addition, unimaginable amounts of “data” are registered by the subconscious every second, ultimately reaching the conscious mind in very filtered form. 

In a way, of course, that’s a good thing. We couldn’t cross a street safely if we were fully aware of all the stimuli at once and had to make a decision based on that. We would simply be overwhelmed.
It would take us far too long to consciously compare all the incoming data and then assess which step to take next. A lot has to happen “automatically” for us to get across the street safely!

Our subconscious seems to be much better suited for this task. It acts somewhat like a basin for receiving and collecting data: it compares information, determines what is relevant and important versus what is not so important in the moment, and then decides what to pass on to the conscious will.

Unfortunately, this is not what we would like to believe: we’d like to think that we make all of our decisions consciously. No, unfortunately not.

For example, studies of our purchasing behaviors show that our conscious decision to buy a particular product was made subconsciously several seconds earlier. Our subconscious knows in advance that it wants a blue t-shirt and then directs our attention to a blue t-shirt. So when we stand in front of the clothes rack the thought occurs to us, “Wouldn’t it be great to have this blue T-shirt.” We believe we had this thought in this moment but in fact, many – not all but many – decisions are made before we become aware of them.

What determines how information

is evaluated by our subconscious?

Our psychological programming determines our life to a large extent by only providing filtered information to our conscious perception.

We bring certain programming with us at birth, passed on genetically and anchored in a subtle manner as “essential”.

Most of the other programming comes from our immediate environment. Particularly during our early years parents, teachers, friends, everything we soak up from the media and all the experiences we have are important “programmers” for us.

The good thing about this is:

If our psychological programming can adapt to current situations and allow changes to take place during new life situations, then they ensure important functioning so that we can experience our life in a useful way and take steps safely.

If, however, certain programming becomes stubborn, outdated or rigid, it can be useless, annoying and even harmful.

We perceive this consciously as an inner adversary or as our shadow.

Our life becomes richer and more fulfilling when we can do this consciously and leave behind what we want consciously!

Conventions can be helpful and useful. But there comes a time when they have fulfilled their task and our programmed patterns need to be updated to match new intentions and potential abilities.

Subliminal messages are an effective method, well suited for this purpose!

Can we actually change the programming

of our subconscious mind?

British scientists have shown that messages with words or images that we are not consciously aware of can cause a change in our brain.

This might frighten some people but it awakens hope in others that subliminal messages can motivate and influence them positively.

A question arose within psychology as to whether it is possible to perceive information even if we have no subjective experience of perceiving it, such as when information is shown so briefly that test subjects only see a brief flicker of light.

In such an experiment, the test subjects reported that they had not consciously perceived the information. Nevertheless, it was found that the information was received unconsciously and had influenced decision-making processes on a higher level. According to the scientists this effect is only achieved if the information is absorbed without conscious awareness, as is the case with subliminals.

This means that it is not your consciousness that processes information, but your subconscious. Your subconscious leads you to a particular thought and what you do with that thought.

Can we be influenced by subliminal information

against our will?

Scientists have found that we are only open to an advertisement for a drink when we are thirsty. If you are thirsty, you will most likely choose a drink based on what you saw or heard as a subliminal message, but those messages must have had a positive effect on you. 

Johan Karremans (PhD., University of Nijmegen, Netherlands) also concluded that subliminal messages and subliminal advertising are effective only when the message or advertising is relevant to you. If you smoke with pleasure and have no desire to quit, then if you hear a subliminal against smoking, you will not quit smoking.

Therefore subliminal information can only influence a person to take an action that the person wants to take. If you see an advertisement for a drink that you know is unhealthy for you, and you desire to be healthy and mostly drink water, then if you are thirsty you will drink water. Even the best subliminal won’t make you drink what you don’t want to on a subconscious level.  

This means that if you want to change something in yourself and use a subliminal for it, it will only take effect if it is directed to what you want to change. The subliminal cannot alter your desire to change, only the way you achieve it. It can help you to alter your habits – the psychological programming that is hindering you – but it cannot alter your goals or moral convictions.  

Can subliminal messages

improve memory or learning performance?

E. Chakalis and G. Lowe did an experiment on memory skills with 60 students. The group of students who heard subliminal recordings embedded in relaxing music with affirmations to improve memory significantly improved their performance in remembering faces and names compared to the group who did not hear the subliminal recordings. They also performed far better than the group that heard the messages consciously. 

Although the duration of the experiment is unknown, and the fact that 60 students divided into 4 groups is not a large number, the results are nevertheless compelling. And this experiment is not the first done on subliminal messages.

In another experiment, students who heard subliminal messages for a year performed better on year- end exams than the control group who did not hear the subliminal messages. The conclusion of this experiment was that subliminally influenced students who were more confident because of the subliminal messages also learned more effectively and achieved better learning outcomes. 

Are subliminal messages more effective

than messages we can hear normally?

The experiments mentioned above are a few examples to show that subliminal messages can indeed be more effective than the same messages heard or seen consciously.

Have you ever wondered why there are so many billboards on the side of the road. You drive past and can’t read them quickly enough, but you take in the content unconsciously, that is, subliminally. This is exactly what makes them powerful: they are more effective than if you had read the billboards consciously.

Our subconscious is smart. Scientists report that we can subconsciously process the meaning of single words heard subliminally. They have shown that brief flashes of words related to fear can activate the region of the brain where activity related to fear is usually detected. So words with emotional content are subconsciously understood and processed in the same brain region as information that is consciously heard or seen.

These findings, together with steadily growing research results in the area of social perception, show that our state of mind is influenced by unconsciously perceived information, i.e. information that is not strong enough to be perceived by consciousness. (See: Lionel Naccache and colleagues, Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, Paris).

What is the best way to work with

Silent Affirmation or subliminals?

It is up to every individual to ensure that their subconscious is fed with good and positive information. With subliminals you can send positive statements or affirmations directly to your subconscious. Since the affirmations are not consciously heard or understood, the conscious inner critic is bypassed.

If you have the TV on while doing household chores, reading or talking to someone, then advertisements on the TV become subliminal messages. However, this is information that you do not want to have in your system! Watch yourself when you go shopping. When you reach for a particular product, try to remember whether you have seen or heard an advertisement about that product or the company that makes it.

On the other hand, when you intentionally listen to a subliminal, you know which affirmations you are listening to and you know that you want them to be in your inner programming.

When listening to a subliminal, the information that is sent to the subconscious actually forms a new pattern in the brain. Therefore it is necessary to hear the subliminal regularly and often for the desired change to become permanent. You will achieve the best results if you listen to a Silent Affirmation without interruption once or twice a day for a few weeks, or ideally months, and after that again from time to time.

Why do I need to listen to Silent Affirmations

more than once?

A subliminal is not a quick fix. It only becomes effective with a lot of repetition. The programming of your subconscious, which controls you and your life, has been repetitively shaped over the years. There is no other way to change it than through repetition.

The changes you achieve with subliminals are gradual and continuous. For example, if you want to increase your self-esteem and listen to a subliminal message on the subject, it may seem slow to improve. At first this improvement will be barely noticeable until suddenly you realize that you have changed. Simply observe the process with your eyes open. Let yourself be surprised!

As you regularly hear a subliminal, you will be able to focus more on your next goal, be more motivated, have more drive, and feel happier, depending on the information in the subliminal.

After some time you will notice a change in your perception, because your beliefs, your thought and feeling patterns which are located deep in your subconscious, will have changed. These changes can also be accompanied by a change in your behavior.

Will I experience any

difficulties with using Silent Affirmations?

Silent Affirmations help you accomplish what is difficult to do with sheer willpower alone. Therefore it is important to understand the process, so you are not surprised or disappointed if you encounter some obstacles to your success or if at first you feel some discomfort or anxiety.

Changes in your thoughts and decision-making patterns also cause a change in the reaction of your environment. Your surroundings, your family, your partner, your friends, teachers, bosses etc. have a strong interest in making sure that certain things remain as they are. They are used to their old, accustomed way of being, acting, thinking, etc. in the world.

When you start to change your programming, you change your character too. This can (but does not have to) disturb others in your environment. If your partner, for example, doesn’t like some of your current characteristics, remember that they have only ever known you with these characteristics. Now you are introducing something new and unknown.

We humans tend to perceive the unknown as threatening. This is reminiscent of our ancestors sitting in a cave. Every adventure into the wilderness by a member of the clan becomes a threat to everyone else. So there is a certain “clan pressure” to stay in old but well-known patterns of thought and action.

For the feeling of freedom and a life that can develop from free inner thought, we often have to assert ourselves against this “clan pressure”.

This can mean that our immediate environment suddenly no longer seems to understand us. Our friends may turn away. This can be a painful process until we meet new, more suitable friends along the way.

It is often this pain of leaving that prevents us from truly changing.

Finally, our body has to go along with these changes too. Our new thoughts re-shape our needs – for expression, nourishment, affection, freedom of life, etc. This can result in physical changes: we have to adapt physically to the new thoughts, experiences, forms of expression, etc. Therefore this process might initially create some anxiety and discomfort. When it does, give yourself time and space to change!